Keynote Speakers

Daniele Checchi

University of Milan, Italy

Harry Patrinos

World Bank

Luís Catela Nunes

Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal

Tim Oates

Cambridge Research Center, United Kingdom


Afonso Leme

Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Aidan Clerkin

Educational Research Center, Ireland

Bernardita Munoz Chereau

University College London (UCL), UK

Claire Shewbridge

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Gunda Tire

PISA / TALIS National Project Manager - Education and Youth Board of Estonia, Estonia

Hugo Reis

Bank of Portugal

João Marôco

ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Portugal 

Pernilla Jonsson

Swedish National Agency for Education, Sweden

Pedro Luís Silva

CIPES - Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies, Portugal

Rita Ginja

University of Bergen, Norway


Monday, May 13

09:30Opening SessionTBA
10:00Plenary SessionLuís Catela Nunes
Trends in student achievement in Portugal: What does the data tell us?
11:00Coffee Break
11:30Session 1Impact of educational reforms in Portugal

Afonso Leme
Too young to quit school? Increasing the compulsory schooling leaving age and students’ educational paths

Hugo Reis
Vocational Education

Pedro Luís Silva
The Power of National Exams on Teacher Grading Standards
Chair: Luís Catela Nunes
13:00Lunch Break
15.00Session 2João Marôco
What can we learn from Portugal and other countries? Country case studies
15.30Round tableGunda Tire (Estonia)
Aidan Clerkin (Ireland)
Pernilla Jonsson (Sweden)
Chair: João Marôco
17.00End of day 1

Tuesday, May 14

09:00Session 1Policy measures with greater impact in improving the quality of education

Daniele Checchi
Transition Regimes from Schooling to Tertiary Education: are Europeans all equal?

Rita Ginja
Chair: Isabel Alçada
10:15Coffee Break
10:45Session 2Policy measures with greater impact in improving the quality of education

Claire Shewbridge
Teacher workforce and teacher training OCDE

Bernardita Munoz
Evaluation and accountability for school improvement: global and national approaches

Tim Oates
The importance of strategic planning and aligned actions to raise the quality of education
Chair: Isabel Flores
13:00Lunch Break
14.30Harry Patrinos
Learning Loss and Learning Recovery
Chair: Isabel Leite
15:30Isabel Leite
Final Remarks


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